MCHS' Jones is State Champ

By Richard Harris

March 27, 2024

 Cash Jones cashed in on his talent and hard work last Saturday by winning the Male Soloist State Championship title at the Georgia High School Association State Literary Competition at Georgia Military College in Milledgeville.
 It's no secret that the Marion County Middle-High School sophomore can sing - he's been doing it since he was 3-years-old and already has numerous performances under his belt - but the big win was a bit surprising for the 15-year-old, who had never competed at that level before.
 "When they announced the winner was Marion County's Cash Jones, Cash and I looked at each other and he was saying, 'Mom I won! Oh my gosh, Mom I won!'," said his mom, Melissa J. Gilliland. "It was such a great moment. Mrs. Janovski (the MCHS Literary Sponsor) and I lo...

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