Chatt Officials Continue to Whittle Way Toward Balanced Budget

By John Pollock

June 26, 2024

 The Chattahoochee County Board of Commissioners (BOC) held its Public Hearing I on June 4 to once again discuss the budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year. All commissioners were present except Damon Hoyte.
 County Manager Thomas Weaver started off the meeting with a review of the previous cuts made to the proposed budget in prior work sessions, explaining that these reductions have already saved the county close to a million and a half dollars, going from $2 million dollars over budget to just $621,000 within the span of a month.
 Although this is significantly less than where the county started, Weaver and the board are quickly working to get the deficit down to $0 and balance the budget completely before July 1, the beginning of the new fiscal year.

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