Schley man trains and races homing pigeons

By Linda Adams

August 23, 2023
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 James Brantley of Schley County has homing pigeons that he races. He is a member of a pigeon racing club in Thomaston.
 The members take their pigeons to one location and let them out. They then go back to their respective homes and time when their pigeons return. With modern GPS technology they can calculate the mileage and then determine the winners of the race.
 Brantley says that he can lose birds in the activity. He trains them to condition them and to have them practice returning to their home. He is currently training 35 pigeons. The birds are banded when they are 5-days-old.
  “I started with pigeons in 1978 when a friend of my father had them and gave me two pairs,” Brantley said. “I raced the birds for a while and then quit the hobby. Two y...

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