Local lady scammed out of $18,000
August 23, 2023
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 It seems like every time we turn on the television, the news reporters are warning the public of scammers. These people use every tactic they can to convince the public to give into their scheme.
 That hit home in a big way recently for a Marion County resident, who was scammed out of $18,000, according to Sheriff Derrell Neal.
 Below is the report from the sheriff.
 On August 10, a local citizen received a phone call from someone imitating her daughter, by saying, “Mom, I have been in an accident. I hit a woman, causing bodily injury. The person I hit is in the hospital.”
 The female caller gave the number of a lawyer and said she needs to contact the lawyer as soon as possible. Before she could call the lawyer, he called her and said that her da...

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