Marion BOE to Get More for Same

By Richard Harris

September 13, 2023

 The Marion County School System will have a little extra money from local taxes next year, according to projections recently released by Marion County Tax Commissioner Phylis Blocker and the Board of Education.
 The School Board plans to pass a millage (property tax) rate of 14.718 when it meets on October 3. That is projected to result in $3,161,475 of tax revenue, which would be an increase of $184,591 from the current year (a 6.2% increase).
 However, it's not due to raises the tax rate. The rate of 14.718 will actually be a tad lower than the current rate of 14.94. That means that the average taxpayer will pay around the same amount as before, unless they have purchased more property or made improvements to property that resulted in a higher property value.

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