Three Sons Deer Processing opens in Marion

By Mulkey McMichael

September 13, 2023

 expnd0 For around eight years, Cody and Ashley Lane have wanted to open a deer processing establishment. Mr. Lane has experience as a former employee of Sportsman's Lodge in Buena Vista.
 "I learned of the challenges and time consuming of this process," he said. "We still wanted to open the service."
 After his experience, the young couple moved quickly on choosing the best site location in Tazewell. As they approached Rick Waters to acquire some land, Waters sold the couple eight acres with frontage on Rick Waters Road and Dr. Daryl Hart Road in Tazewell.
 The newly completed processing establishment will offer total deer process and conversion to burger meat, sausage, cubed steak, and many other offerings for the processing of the special fall meat.

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