A Sobering Lesson for Local Teenagers

By Richard Harris

January 17, 2024
See More Photos from the Lesson

 It's been said that "seeing is believing" and students at Marion County Middle-High School recently got to see what it's like to function - or at least try to - while intoxicated. No, the Eagles weren't flying drunk or stoned, but took advantage of a special simulation to see just how dangerous it can be for teenagers to experiment with alcohol and/or drugs.
 Marion County resident Malinda Bair, who is a Motor Carrier Officer with the Georgia Department of Public Safety, visited the school with Sergeant First Class Shannon Griffin. The duo gave many of the MCHS teenagers a chance to wear special "impairment goggles" that simulate how a person's vision changes when they are intoxicated (from 0.8 to 1.5 blood alcohol content).
 While wearing the goggles, the students at...

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