Stewart's Rushing Awarded for Conservation
January 31, 2024

 Mike Rushing was recently awarded the 2023 Conservationist of the Year for Stewart County in a special ceremony hosted by the Lower Chattahoochee River Soil & Water Conservation District in Dawson.
 The LCR SWCD has been awarding conservationist within the nine-county district this highest award for the last 61 years. This is given to the outstanding conservationists in the surrounding counties that represent the Lower Chattahoochee River Soil & Water Conservation District. Supervisor, Jimmy Bramblett, of Stewart County preceded the evening program, which was held at Goolsby Farm Supply in Dawson.
 Mike operates Red Wash Farms, which is a 225-acre forestry and wildlife operation in Stewart County. He has battled major storms and drought over the past 10 years, the las...

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