Chattco High Earns State Math Leader Award

By Yarilis Quinones Amador

February 12, 2025

 Chattahoochee High School recently had the honor of having State School Superintendent Richard Woods come all the way to Chattahoochee County High School in Cusseta to present the Math Leader Schools Award.
 The Math Leader Award is given by the Georgia Department of Education to highlight the importance of mathematics as well as motivate students to work harder. This award was given to Chattahoochee for showing high school growth in math proficiency.
 And how exactly did Chattahoochee manage to show the proficiency needed for such a prestigious award? By excelling in the Algebra: Concepts and Connections EOC, the state test for mathematics in high school.
 This means that a significant number of Chattahoochee High School students displayed incredible mathe...

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