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Holiday trees, hunting,
taxes and basketball

  I thumbed through several of the big "circulars" of the big city, "big box" stores recently and noticed that they have a lot of seasonal items like holiday decorations, holiday wreaths, holiday gift wrap, holiday cards, holiday candy, holiday picture frames, holiday tableware, holiday candles, holiday home decor, holiday socks, holiday stockings, holiday bows, holiday ornaments, holiday lights and even holiday trees, not to mention various items advertised as holiday gifts.
   The "holiday socks" were adorned with images of Santa, hich one would suppose would make it a fashion faux pas to wear on any holiday other than Christmas, so it's difficult to figure out why they can't simply be called Christmas socks. And a holiday tree? When's the last time you drove over to Watson's Christmas Tree Farm and chopped down a Leyland Cypress to decorate the house for Independence Day?
   When factoring in where to do the rest of our Christmas shopping, we all should add the fact that we'll receive a warm "Merry Christmas" greeting at our local small businesses to go along with convenient locations and friendly customer service.
   I stopped by the Schley County Extension Office recently and learned that Bill Starr was preparing to go on a deer hunting expedition with Walker, his 4-year-old son. He chuckled at the idea himself, wondering aloud how in the world a 4-year-old boy could sit still and quiet in the cold. Of course he wasn't doing it for "the hunt," but for his son who wanted to have the experience with his Daddy. Our camouflage hat is off to you, Bill, for being such a good dad. How about chronicling the hunt for our readers in one of your columns?
   The folks in Washington, D.C. are notorious for continuing to waste money on "pork-barrel" projects, but local officials are historically much more fiscally conservative with the taxes they levy on their fellow residents. So, when those officials feel it necessary to raise the amount of taxes collected at the local level by a considerable amount, their friends and neighbors often ask questions and/or offer advice. One topic is whether or not all residents are paying their fair share. There's a fairly long list of "tax sales" in the legal notice section of this issue that suggests officials are taking this issue seriously and are prepared to compel all property owners help carry the load.
   The Tri-County High School boys' basketball team was ranked No. 10 in the state in the Class AA Coaches Pre-Season Poll, but has fallen out of the rankings after starting the season at 2-2. ... Guess some of the coaches voting don't know the Tri-County basketball program as well as us local folks. I haven't seen this year's squad in action yet this year, but I'd be willing to bet they'll end the year at least as high in the rankings as they began. Of course, that's if such betting were legal, but it's against the law to gamble in Georgia ... unless the state government is the bookie, then it's Okay. Of course, I'm not knocking the lottery, because as a self-employed person if I weren't too cheap to spend a dollar a week, at least I'd have a retirement plan with a snowball's chance of paying off
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