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A Scarf and the Trophy Nobody Wanted
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by Richard Harris

From the December 18, 2019 issue of The Journal
   A few years ago I opened a present from my parents, which means I opened a present from my Mom (moms and dads everywhere should get that joke). Anyway, when I tore it open with anticipation I found a scarf.
   While I may have tried to be in style "back in the day" as a teenager, as an adult my normal attire would probably be best described as conservative. I'm certainly not going to be featured in GQ for my flair or trendsetting.
   So, the gift took me by surprise and to be perfectly honest I really didn't want it. However, I did what one does in those situations. I put my best fake smile on and said, "A scarf! Thank You!"
   Mom mentioned that it would come in handy when I was covering events like football games in the winter. I doubted I'd ever wear it.
   As luck would have it, the first week of January that year was brutally cold and I wore it to the first meeting I covered that year. It happened to be the Chattahoochee County Commission. I remember, because several people at the meeting complimented me and said they wished they had a scarf, too.
   I don't wear it much, because here in South Georgia we don't get a lot of scarf weather. However, when we do, I don't hesitate to wear my scarf. It not only keeps me warm, but also can come in handy wiping off a foggy camera lens.
   I wore it under my Navy peacoat this past Saturday at the State Championship Game, which was held outdoors in Georgia State Stadium in 40-degree weather. Several people commented on both items and one asked where I got them. I said the scarf was a gift from my Mom and the peacoat only cost me two years and four trips across the Pacific.
   After the game, local Farm Bureau Agent Crystal Drew presented the State Runner-Up Trophy to Marion County High Head Coach Chris Kirskey. He in turn handed it to the team leaders – Dayterious Chinn, Kendrick Hawkins, and Trice McCannon – who were on the stage with him. They accepted it in similar fashion to the way I had originally accepted that scarf. Sure, it was nice, but it wasn't really what they wanted. In fact, it was a disappointment.
   However, I am certain that a few years from now (if not sooner) they will think back on that trophy and the season that it represents and their souls will be warmed even more than the warmth I enjoy when I wear my scarf.
   Well done, Eagles. Be proud!

Related: Resilient Eagles Soar to State Runner-Up